Webcasts, Podcasts, Broadcasts

A collection of podcasts, webcasts, and broadcasts on the subject of dyslexia, recorded with hosts from around the world.

Matt Hancock, MP: The Dyslexia Screening Bill

Henry Smith, MP: The Dyslexia Screening bill

Pearson English Podcast: Accessible Teaching Content for ELT

In Conversation with Stephen Martin: The Truth About Dyslexia

What does Dyslexia Mean to You? – Interview with Feliciea Jibson, PAGS Profiler

When Learning is Trauma: Conversation with Lois Letchford

When School was Torture

Web Q&A: SEN Provision in Mainstream Schools

Neurodiversity, post-Covid Lockdown

“Toxic Lunch” – Conversation with Prof. Thoral Buller, BBW Hochschule Berlin

Dyslexia and Rationality – Interview with Elizabeth Takyi, A2i Dyslexia, CIC

Interview on Radio Nottingham, Circa 2004